St Anthony’s School for Boys: Today at School

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For brothers Aarav and Arjun, no two days in Reception are the same, but every day is full of fun.


Aarav and Arjun arrive in school bright and early! The boys know their morning routine in Rabbits class. They pop their belongings away and choose their ‘Mood Monster’ – this is a useful tool to gauge how the boys are feeling through facial expressions. Aarav chooses ‘excited’ because today is P.E, which is always a firm favourite!

During morning registration, Arjun asks his teacher Rebecca if he can lead morning prayer and change the date on the calendar. The class talk through the timetable so that they know what will be happening during the day.


Straight into phonics and the boys show Rebecca lots of words featuring the sound of the week ‘ar’. Later, when reading, Aarav is eager to find words in his book containing that sound.

Onto a ‘child-led learning’ session and both boys head straight to the maths area, gathering a group of friends to play ‘shops’. They pay for items using various coins of different values. Later, Arjun plays a maths game on the smart board, placing numbers in ascending order.


Back together on the carpet for maths, and a lesson on symmetry. The boys are learning about the life cycle of a caterpillar, so they use butterflies to describe lines of symmetry and Aarav shows excellent understanding when recreating the other half of a symmetrical image.

During another ‘child-led learning’ session Arjun heads to the writing table to work on his story. The focus book this week is Goldilocks and Arjun uses this as a theme to create his own take on this fairy-tale.


After a delicious and nutritious lunch, the boys enjoy some mindfulness to prepare them for an afternoon of successful learning.

In ‘Understanding of the World’ this week the class are learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly and Aarav is eager to explain this process to everybody. In an adult-led focus task he produces a beautiful piece of writing explaining the changes from egg to butterfly.

In P.E, the boys enjoy using the gym equipment safely and move to each station with confidence and enthusiasm.


Snack and story time end the day, giving the boys a chance to discuss and share anything that might be on their minds with the rest of the class. It has been another successful day of fun and learning in Reception!

For enquiries about admission to Reception in 2021, call 020 7431 1066 (